Parry Gripp
Raining tacos


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Lyrics and Music by Parry P. Gripp

It’s raining tacos
From out of the sky,
No need to ask why.
Just open your mouth
And close your eyes,
It’s raining tacos!

It’s raining tacos
Out in the street,
All you can eat.
Lettuce and shell,
Cheese and meat,
It’s raining tacos!

   Yum Yum, Yum Yum Yumity Yum,
   It’s like a dream!
   Yum Yum, Yum Yum Yumity Yum,
   Bring your sourcreeam!

   Shell, meat,
   Lettuce, cheese.
   Shell, meat,
   Lettuce, cheese.
   Shell, meat,
   Cheese, cheese,
   Cheese, cheese, cheese.

It’s raining tacos (oh-ohh),
Raining tacos (oh-ohh),
Raining tacos (oh-ohh),
It’s raining tacos!

It’s raining tacos (oh-ohh),
Raining tacos (oh-ohh),
Raining tacos (oh-ohh),
It’s raining tacos!
(It’s raining tacos).

Аккорды к песне "Raining tacos"

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Песня из альбома «Parry Gripp Mega-Party»

Номер трека: 1

Год издания: 2013

Жанр произведения: Pop